Friday, May 18, 2012

Breaking Ground

Early morning May 14, we broke ground on our new property.  When we purchased our property, it came with a lovely driveway that dead-ended at a convenient place just south of what we found to be the ideal building site.  In our planning we decided to continue the driveway along the slope and add a moderate switchback toward the yurt and building sites.  In search of an excavator, we didn't have to look far.  An acquaintance of ours, and my parents' neighbor, a guy named Jardy, owns an excavating business called Rocky Mountain Excavating.  After giving him a tour of our new land and sharing our vision he was full of valuable insight and encouragement for our plans.  We were happy to have him scheduled to be our first hire-out on our big project.
                                   First Break of Ground!!  Cause for celebration :)

Bottom right of this photo is the end of existing driveway, all of the driveway to the left is Jardy's work.  Tanner and I couldn't be happier with the work that he has done.  It is amazing watching him maneuver this machinery, just like a huge hand; brushing away little trees to pick up fallen logs, and when needed, digging into the ground with full force, as if cutting through butter.  Quite impressive. 
The location that we had in mind for the yurt had a cluster of beautiful, young tamarack trees.  Beyond the proposed yurt site was a vast open area, in clear view to the north side neighbor.  We asked Jardy if it would be possible to move the cluster up into the clearing in order to utilize what trees we had.  He obliged, and now we have a pretty little scattering of young trees in the backyard of our yurt platform.

                                     Jardy scooping up a tree.

                                    Transplanted Tamaracks

While we are left with a few burn piles, and some disturbed ground, we are thrilled with our new driveway and yurt platform.
                                 Coming together....
                                Digging the yurt platform, looking east

                                  View of the driveway looking south, from the yurt platform
While this hole in the ground just about gave Tanner an anxiety attack, it sure makes our yurt look like a roomy living space!  We plan to build an enclosed, insulated yurt platform with 7 ft. walls that will work as storage space for tools and excess 'stuff' while we live in the yurt.  The slope of the land allows for some of this space to be 'underground' so that the north side of the yurt will only be a couple of feet off of the ground, while the front will be 7 ft high with the best view.
My furry boys, anxious to show me all they've been helping to accomplish for the day.

In the midst of all of the machine work, Tanner was busy bucking up firewood and taking phone calls to make sure that all of the weeks scheduled events would happen without a hitch.  My job has been to take care of him, and so far, he is still breathing a doing well.  I think we may just survive this building-a-house thing! 

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